Thursday, December 18, 2008

Choosing happiness

I've decided to ignore the fact that I'm in the middle of finals and focus on the happy things going on...

I recently found a wonderful thing on the internet. I have been searching for years for one of my favorite movies. It is an old version of Snow White that was made for TV and, in case you had no idea, there are about 50 different versions of Snow White. However, I finally found what I've been looking for on I bought the DVD and had it delivered, all for the low, low price of $5.19! I was so ecstatic! I have never seen the movie without tracking issues and fuzziness. It is wonderful and I will enjoy it for many years to come!

Another bit of good news, better than the first, is Sky and I are trying for a baby! We've been trying for about 2 1/2 months and hope it will happen soon so we can have a baby next fall. We are very excited and I know Sky will be a great dad.

On a related note, I recently found out that my oldest brother's wife, Holly, is pregnant with their first child. She is due June 4th and I am so excited to be an aunt again.

We've decorated our apartment recently. We bought a Santa sign for our front door and lights for our balcony. We also decorated our Christmas tree and set up our three different Nativity scenes. I assembled and decorated a gingerbread house and we bought an advent calendar. It's so pretty and really festive.

I am really looking forward to going back to MD next Monday. We get in really late at night. :-( The next day, my mother-in-law, Christine, has made appointments for us to get our hair and nails done! I am so excited to get my hair highlighted, I've never done it before. Christmas is going to be nice, too. I'll be at home with Sky, my mom, dad, grandmother, brothers Wyatt and Shaun and sister Kimberly. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the humidity. It is very snowy here in UT but it is still dry. I love it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Listing, Fun!

I swiped this from my sister's page.

10 Years Ago I...
-was in 7th grade
-hated my little sister
-had a crush on so many boys.
-was mortified about the processes of puberty.
-wanted desperately to change my room. I hated it pink.

5 Things on tomorrow's to-do list
-Go to the doctor.
-Go to class
-Stop by the library
-Wash dishes
-Watch House

5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire
-buy a new wardrobe that fit me properly and I looked good in, and get one for Sky, too.
-College funds for all of our possible children to attend any school (even Yale) and grad school, if they wanted.
-Save for a house for when we get out of school and move to California.
-Buy a Prius
-and of course, 10% to church, some to World Wildlife Fund, some to Susan G. Komen Foundation and some to St. Jude Children's Hospital.

5 Places I have lived
-Rockville, MD
-Gaithersburg, MD
-Orem, UT
-Provo, UT
-um...premortal realm?

5 jobs I have had
-child care technician (I watched kids at a gym)
-Sales Associate at JCPenney
-something or other in the ER at Shady grove Hospital that I quit very, very quickly.
-Server at Brick Oven

Sunday, October 19, 2008

What am I going to do?

Before today, I was pretty set on who I was going to vote for. I had chosen to vote for "Change Utah can believe in" by voting for Obama. Today, however, I discovered a lot of things about him that I didn't know. He, apparently, has no desire to protect marriage and family and in fact, supports abortion so strongly that I am surprised people are not comparing him to Hitler or Saddam Hussein...oh wait, they are. I was sickened by what I read about his views. I know that what I read was on some crazy right-wing website but, it had links to proof of what he was saying. I absolutly refuse to pay for abortions or support someone who wants to create embryos just to kill them for stem-cell research.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm wholely against the research, because I'm not. I am against the creation of the embryos en masse just to destroy them. That, to me, is stupid, wasteful and evil. Using fetuses from miscarriages or afterbirth material to run this research is a much better idea. This information will be vital to the medical community but, it is absurd to think that people in this country, even cripples, would ever support this audacious idea!

I also think it is ridiculous that he wants to get rid of all the ammendments that oppose gay marriage. This is just like my high school mascot all over again. I mean, come on, the people have already voted on this issue, why is he going to suddenly come back and say thay have no choice in the matter. What an egoist!
"Ok, so you're president, what are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to overturn laws that were inacted after the voting process was carried out and the American people gave their answer by a clear majority."
"Don't you think that will make people angry?"
"Oh, no...just because they voted doesn't mean they actually know what they want. After all, they voted for me even though I lied about what I believe and refused to answer questions about touchy topics. Why create a stir? I'll just do what I want, now that the brainwashing has clearly taken effect. I mean....that question is above my pay level..."

So, you see my I vote for the young, idealistic, baby-hating, gay loving newcomer or for the old guy who has experience and is going to keep our troops in Iraq (where they don't belong in the first place) for 100 years and will drive our economy, health care and educational systems into the ground but loves babies and will fight for the family? That's right..I'm voting for Pedro. Spread the word....Pedro '08!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thinking of a title is too hard.

I am glad that I am finally starting to get better. It's kind of odd though, because I was really sick from Thursday through Sunday but, started getting better Sunday night. I feel much less achy and gross but I am still coughing and nose blowing all the time. I hate it and I wish I would just be back to normal, already. I'm just glad to be able to get off the couch and go out.

My ward is really awesome. The Relief Society sent around a "Get Well" card on Sunday and had everyone sign it for me. I'm assuming my friend Candace (the RS Pres.) did it because I told her I was sick to help make sure she and her daughter weren't sick because they had spent Wednesday afternoon with me.

I was talking to Sky yesterday and I thought of another quirk that I didn't put down. I didn't really think of it before because my dad and Sky and I all do it. Anyway, I apparently sleep in a funny way. I fall asleep facing the center of my bed (and Sky) then right after I fall asleep, I wake up and roll over to face the edge of the bed with my left arm extended straight out above me and my fingers hanging off the top of the mattress. I have my pillow between my arm and my head. I also have to have a pillow between my legs from my knees to my feet to help ease the pain in my lower back. A third pillow is held in my right arm, keeping it propped and preventing soreness in my neck and shoulder. So, Sky claims this is odd because he can sleep in pretty much any position but, I have difficulty sleeping any other way. He usually does have the pillows in the same positions as I do, though.

On another note, I am not looking forward to cleaning my house again. I finally got it all clean then I got sick. I was too weak and tired to clean it and Sky sits and does nothing. So, instead of maintaining the clean, he made it dirty. It's quite annoying because now I have to clean everything this weekend. Argh! Hopefully, I'll be able to keep it clean after that. We'll see...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Quirky, quirky me.

My sister, Rebecca tagged me to do this so, here it goes:

The Rules:

Link the Person who Tagged you.

Mention rules on your blog.

Tell about 6 quirks of yours.

Tag 6 fellow bloggers to do the same.

Leave a comment to let them know.

1. I dissect all candy that I eat. KitKats are broken apart then the chocolate around the edges is eaten before I separate the wafers and nibble them slowly and individually (I do the exact same thing to Nutter Butters, too). Also, for Reese's, I eat the chocolate around the edge first then peel it off the bottom then top and eat the peanut butter last. I do this to Snickers, 3 Muskateers, York, Tagalongs (girl scout cookies)...everything. I even sort Nerds, M & Ms and Skittles and eat them all by's very odd, I know.

2. I, like Rebecca, hate all hair that is not currently attached to someone's body. I hate showers, pools, floors. I wear sock and/or slippers at all times while in my house. I do not swim in pools and I refuse to clean my own bathroom; my husband has to do it. Earlier this week, the drain in my shower completely stopped flowing andI had to clean out the drain. I almost puked..all that hair...*shivers*.

3. I count incessantly. I count steps, tiles and stairs. I am always couting the lines used to make something, eg. the cuts needed to make the square shapes on the front of the pulpit in the conference center, during General Conference talks. I also constantly run my fingers along the edges of my finger nails (they are very square) and count over and over until I reach100. I also count the movements needed to crack my fingers, wrists, elbows and neck, up to 100. Once I reach 100, I start over and do it again..all the time counting. If the number of something does not reach 100, I find ways of counting lines or parts to make it at least add up to the 10s place.

4. All of my clothes, linens, socks, etc. have to be folded the same way. The seams, lines and size of all of the same kinds of objects must be identical. (Shirts all match, jeans all line up, towels are all the same exact size.) Also, they all have to face the same way in my drawers, no just dropping things all has to be precisely organized.

5. I refuse to put vegetables on my plate until I have eaten everything else. I will eat my meal then eat vegetables before I take any seconds. I do this to keep the juice from the vegetable from running into the other food. Asparagus is especially bad.

6. I always check my shower for spiders before I get in. I look all over both sides of the curtain, all in the tub, the walls of the shower, around the bottles and behind the shower rack; it all has to be searched to ensure that a spider isn't going to crawl up my leg or drop on my head during the shower.

I tag Jennie W. , Carolyn D., and Kat H. and that's it cause they're the only friends I have who blog.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Advice and Darkness

Wow, I am so bad at blogging! I just never remember to do it and I can never really think of what to write.

Something interesting in my life is that while I don't have any children, I am now known in my ward as the "baby expert." Part of this stemmed from the ward camp out we had two weeks ago when everyone kept passing me their babies while they set up camp, ate, and played games. I could also calm everyone one of those babies even if they were crying. Some of my friends are even coming to me for advice on how to handle different aspects of their children's behaviors. It's odd, huh? I guess all that time I spent as a Nanny and reading parenting books really paid off. It's kind of fun being the advice person. It's not just babies, either. People ask me what to cook, how they should decorate, how to handle younger sisters and even what clothes to buy (that one I REALLY don't get, lol). I guess part of the reason why people ask me things is that I always have an opinion and I'm never afraid to give it, when asked.

Sky and I went out on a date yesterday, which isn't very common. We ate lunch in the food court in the mall and saw Dark Knight then got ice cream on the way home. It was really fun. (We also spent about $40, Bec.) I gotta tell you, I LOVED the movie. It is soooooooo good! I recommend everyone over the age of 15 see it. It's really dark and creepy and I even got a stomach ache from watching it (although that could have been the icky Chinese food we had before hand). It's so good; definitely the best action movie I've ever seen!

One final note: I'm finally going to meet my father-in-law! I haven't been able to see him before but, I will meet him soon!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Sky and I are just getting over bad colds. We've been sick for about a week. I think I got it from David, then passed it to Sky. We're starting classes tomorrow. I'm excited and apprehensive. We'll see how I like Stats. My mom and younger sister are coming to stay with us next week. My older sister and he family are also coming out. I'll get to see my niece's baptism. Yay!

My sister sent me this e-mail so, I have to answer the questions, now.

8 things I want to do before I die:
*Have children.
*See all my children marry in the Temple.
*Visit London.
*Visit the Temple with my WHOLE family (siblings and their spouses).
*Tour Europe.
*Meet Josh Groban.
*Meet the Prophet.
*Invent something.

8 things I am passionate about:
*The gospel.
*My Husband.
*The Environment.
*Family History.
*My sisters.

8 Common Phrases heard in my house:
*I love you.
*You're annoypid. (annoying, stupid)
*_______ is a creek.
*You are such a dork!
*I want chocolate.
*You're pretty.

8 recently read books:
*Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
*Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
*Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
*The Joy Luck Club.
*Crime and Punishment.
*The Little House on the Prairie.
*On the Banks of Plum Creek
*By the Shores of Silver Lake

8 of my favorite songs:
*You Raise Me Up Josh Groban
*Now Let Us Rejoice
*Breakaway Kelly Clarkson
*Before He Cheats Carrie Underwood
*Redneck Woman Gretchen Wilson
*[God Must've Spent] a Little More Time on You *Nsync
*Anything by the Mamas and the Papas
*Scarborough Fair Simon and Garfunkel

8 random things about me:
*I love pudding.
*I can't dance.
*I hate the ocean.
*I act like I'm still 12.
*I live in Utah and I love it.
*I'm a Junior in college.
*I don't wear makeup.
*I love to watch HGTV and TLC.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


This is exactly why I don't keep a journal. Sometimes, keeping a record of my life seems more like homework than fun. Anyway, exams totally sucked. I am so sick of school and I'm very glad that I only have about a year left.

Our anniversary was last week and it was awesome. We spent the whole day together. We went out to a really authentic Italian deli for lunch; it was so good. Later, we went out to dinner at Carrabba's and we exchanged our cards and gifts. He got me the first five books in the Little House series. It was a really good day.

I've been spending a lot of time cleaning out our apartment. When we moved in, I pretty much just put everything somewhere to get it put away. Now, I'm going through everything and reorganizing it and getting rid of junk and finding treasures! Not literal treasures (Duh!) but, good things that I'd completely forgotten we had. It kinda makes me happy when I find them. It's like when you put on a pair of pants, put your hand in the pocket and find money! It was always yours, but, you'd forgotten it. It's a good feeling.

I'm really excited about the next month. We're going back to Maryland next Friday for Garrett's (Sky's brother) graduation. I even have a full day to spend with my mom and sister. It's going to be fun! Then, in July, my mom and sister are coming out here and are staying with me for a week. I am really looking forward to it. My older sister and her family are also coming out but they're not staying with us. We'll definitely get to spend time together, though. Also, my niece is getting baptized out here so, we're glad we'll be able to see that. I'm so happy I get to see my family again!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Sky and I have just begun the most thrilling week of the year. Final Exams! While the studying hasn't driven us crazy yet, the scheduled times for exams just might. We each had an exam today at 2:30. That's right; the middle of a Saturday afternoon! I have one on Tuesday at 7 AM!! These scheduling people are nuts.

The weather is warming up and that leads to wonderful inversions. Outside looks all brown. It's kind of gross. The pollen is also out of control. Our allergies are ridiculous!

Last weekend was really exciting for me. My wonderful husband made sure that my birthday was great. He made me breakfast in bed, bought me flowers, chocolates, a teddy bear from Hard Rock Cafe and a season of Gilmore Girls on DVD. We also went out to dinner with the gift card his mom gave me to a wonderful benny hana (?). Then, on Saturday, he took me to Hogle Zoo. It was so much fun!

This past Tuesday, I had a girl's day out with a bunch of the women in my ward. Then I went to target with a couple of them and bought my very own crock pot! Thank you, mommy! (It's my birthday present!) I am so excited to get recipes and make yummy-nummy food for my hubby.