Wow, I am so bad at blogging! I just never remember to do it and I can never really think of what to write.
Something interesting in my life is that while I don't have any children, I am now known in my ward as the "baby expert." Part of this stemmed from the ward camp out we had two weeks ago when everyone kept passing me their babies while they set up camp, ate, and played games. I could also calm everyone one of those babies even if they were crying. Some of my friends are even coming to me for advice on how to handle different aspects of their children's behaviors. It's odd, huh? I guess all that time I spent as a Nanny and reading parenting books really paid off. It's kind of fun being the advice person. It's not just babies, either. People ask me what to cook, how they should decorate, how to handle younger sisters and even what clothes to buy (that one I REALLY don't get, lol). I guess part of the reason why people ask me things is that I always have an opinion and I'm never afraid to give it, when asked.
Sky and I went out on a date yesterday, which isn't very common. We ate lunch in the food court in the mall and saw Dark Knight then got ice cream on the way home. It was really fun. (We also spent about $40, Bec.) I gotta tell you, I LOVED the movie. It is soooooooo good! I recommend everyone over the age of 15 see it. It's really dark and creepy and I even got a stomach ache from watching it (although that could have been the icky Chinese food we had before hand). It's so good; definitely the best action movie I've ever seen!
One final note: I'm finally going to meet my father-in-law! I haven't been able to see him before but, I will meet him soon!
9 years ago